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Sectiune dedicata WWE-ului cu cele mai noi stiri, zvonuri si rezultate.

CM Punk Il lauda pe Cena si vice versa


   Dupa un meci in BRisbane, Austraila CM punk a luat microfonul si chiar a inceput sa isi laude oponentul de la Money in the Bank. Si-a adresat cuvintele catre The Rock, spunand ca acesta filmeaza in Hollywood iar Cena este aici “la bine si la raw” in fiecare noapte pentru Universul WWE. Punk si Cena au dat mana inainte ca Superstarul Straight Edge sa mearga la vestiare.  Cena apoi a luat microfonul si la laudat pe Punk, spunand ca chiar este “cel mai bun wrestler din WWE” – fix cuvintele folosite de Punk in promo-ul sau controversat de la Raw de acum 2 saptamani. De asemenea Cena a promis meciul anului la Money in the Bank

Mai jos gasiti o inregistrare cu discursul lui Punk. Din pacate continuarea lui Cena nu a fost filmata



[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMbiyCG7luw’]

Un oficial WWE confirma: CM Punk va parasi organizatia


Intr’un interviu cu un jurnalist GLAAD, in legatura cu atacurile verbale si homofobe  aduse de CM Punk unui fan, un oficial WWE a confirmat zvonul care a pus pe jar lumea wrestlingului in ultimele luni: CM Punk va pleca din WWE dupa Money In The Bank pe 18 iulie 2011.

Oficialul WWE a continuat sa spuna ca “aceasta afirmatie nu face parte dintr-un storyline. CM Punk mai are contract doar cateva saptamani, iar acesta nu va fii reinnoit.”
Desi aceste vesti par sa fie din ce in ce mai adevarate , majoritatea dintre noi nu putem decat sa speram ca WWE ascunde adevarul foarte bine si ca la Money In The Bank vom fii placut socati de rezultat.

Zvon: Main-eventul discutat pentru Summerslam 2011 este ?


In momentul de fata cel mai probabil Main-event pentru Summerslam’ul din acest an este John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio. Acest meci a fost “batut in cuie” din momentul in care Alberto Del Rio a trecut din SmackDown in RAW in cadrul WWE Draft din acest an.

Mai multe semne continua sa arate spre acest meci, unul dintre ele fiind acela ca la RAW’ul din aceasta saptamana Alberto Del Rio a castigat un Nr#1 Contender Match pentru titlul WWE. Evident, din moment ce lui CM Punk i-a fost anulata suspendarea de catre Vince, Alberto nu va avea aceasta sansa la Money in The Bank, el probabil se va folosi de aceasta pentru a incepe un feud cu John Cena pentru Summerslam.

Este de mentionat ca acest lucru tine foarte mult si de decizia pe care o va lua CM Punk in legatura cu plecatul din WWE. Parerile sunt impartite in acest moment, nimeni nu stie cu siguranta daca Punk va pleca sau nu.

Monday Night Raw – Rezultate 4 Iulie 2011


*John Cena vine in ring si spune ca nu este de acord cu suspendarea lui CM Punk. Desi nu este de acord cu punctul de vedere lui Punk, el nu crede ca trebuia Punk trebuia suspendat pentru ca si-a exprimat opiniile. Cena ii cere direct explicatii lui Vince Mcmahon.
* Kelly Kelly si Eve Torres castiga iintr-un meci versusThe Bella Twins.

* Promo pentru Andy, castigatorul Tough Enough, este difuzat

* Backstage promo cu R-Truth. Acesta este suparat ca este obligat sa fie in meciul de Nr. 1 contender. El considera ca ar trebui sa primeasca direct titlul. Alberto Del Rio intervine si spune ca este destinul lui sa devina campion.

* Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov pierd in fata campionilor la echipe David Otunga si Michael McGillicutty. La finalul meciului Zack Ryder iese si isi face “Woo woo woo”-ul

*Backstage promo cu Miz. Acesta este suparat ca nu se afla in meciul Nr #1 contender.

*Alt Backstage promo. Jack Swagger il confrunta pe Sgt. Slaughter. Un meci intre cei doi umreaza.

*Jack Swagger il invinge pe Sgt. Slaugher. Dupa meci Swagger il tine pe Slaughter in ankle lock pana cand Evan Bourne salveaza situatia. Sgt. Slaugher zice “Pledge of Allegiance” cu publicul pentru ca este 4 iulie.

*Alberto Del Rio ii invinge pe R-Truth si Rey  Mysterio. Victorie prin Submission pe Rey si astfel devine noul Nr #1 Contender.

*Dolph Ziggler si Vickie Guerrero vin in ring. Vickie a organizat o petrecere pentru Campionul Statelor Unite pentru ca este ziua de nastere a Statelor. Kofi Kingston vine in ring si se bate cu Ziggler. Vickie este impinsa intr-un tort.

*Alex Riley il infrange pe Miz cu un roll up. Dupa meci Miz il ataca pe Riley, il loveste cu treptele de otel, il arunca in masa comentatorilor si pleaca.

*Vince McMahon vine in ring si spune ca CM Punk isi merita suspendarea. John Cena iese si el si cere explicatii. Se dovedeste ca Vince nu voia sa riste ca Punk sa plece din companie cu titlul. Cena spune ca daca nu poate sa aiba meciul cu Punk, pleaca si chiar asta pare sa faca. Vince decide sa ridice suspendarea lui Punk si sa pastreze meciul dintre cei doi la Money in the Bank, dar daca Cena pierde este concediat

Posterul pentru WWE Summerslam 2011


Mai jos aveti prima si posibil finala versiune a posterului pentru WWE Summerslam 2011:


Cardul pentru WWE Money in the Bank


WWE Title Match:
-John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk

WWE World Title Match:
-Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

Raw Money in the Bank Ladder Match:
-Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth vs. Alex Riley vs. The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne vs. Alberto Del Rio

Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match:
-Sheamus vs. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater

WWE Divas Title Match:
-Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Brie Bella

-Big Show vs. Mark Henry


Rezultate WWE SmackDown 01/07/2011


Meci Castigator Cum a castigat
Randy Orton vs Mark Henry Randy Orton Countdown
Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase Daniel Bryan Submission
Christian vs Sin Cara Sin Cara Pin
Cody Rhodes vs Ezekiel Jackson Cody Rhodes Pin
Kane vs Wade Barrett Kane Pin

Ce a zis Punk in promoul de la RAW


Promo-ul tinut de Punk la RAW a fost un real succes si este considerat unul din cele mai socante promo-uri din istorie. Punk nu a iertat pe nimeni, s-a luat de John Cena,Vince McMahon,Stephanie McMahon, HHH, The Rock si s-a declarat fanul lui Paul Heyman.

Mai jos aveti tot ce a zis Punk in acel promo:

John Cena, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me.
I want you to digest this because before I leave in 3 weeks with your WWE Championship, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.

I don’t hate you, John. I don’t even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back.

I hate this idea that you’re the best. Because you’re not. I’m the best. I’m the best in the world. There’s one thing you’re better at than I am and that’s kissing Vince McMahon’s ass.

You’re as good as kissing Vince McMahon’s ass as Hulk Hogan was. I don’t know if you’re as good as Dwayne though. He’s a pretty good ass kisser. Always was and still is.

Whoops! I’m breaking the fourth wall! (Punk waves to the camera)

I am the best wrestler in the world.

I’ve been the best since day one when I walked into this company. And I’ve been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. That’s right, I’m a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar. And he split just like I’m splitting. But the biggest difference between me and Brock is I’m going to leave with the WWE Championship.

I’ve grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon’s brass rings that it’s finally dawned on me that there just that, they’re completely imaginary. The only thing that’s real is me and the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I have proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, even in commentary! Nobody can touch me!

And yet no matter how many times I prove it, I’m not on your lovely little collector cups. I’m not on the cover of the program. I’m barely promoted. I don’t get to be in movies. I’m certainly not on any crappy show on the USA Network. I’m not on the poster of WrestleMania. I’m not on the signature that’s produced at the start of the show. I’m not on Conan O’Brian. I’m not on Jimmy Fallon. But the fact of the matter is, I should be.

This isn’t sour grapes. But the fact that Dwayne is in the main event at WrestleMania next year and I’m not makes me sick!

Oh hey, let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of me leaving as anything else. Because you’re the ones who are sipping on those collector cups right now. You’re the ones that buy those programs that my face isn’t on the cover of. And then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face and get an autograph and try to sell it on Ebay because you’re too lazy to go get a real job.

I’m leaving with the WWE Championship on July 17th. And hell, who knows, maybe I’ll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Maybe…I’ll go back to Ring of Honor.

(Punk looks at the camera and waves)

Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing?

The reason I’m leaving is you people. Because after I’m gone, you’re still going to pour money into this company. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that. Vince McMahon is going to make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag (censored)  yes men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and I’d like to think that maybe this company will better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family.

Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon alright. We do this whole (anti) bully campaign

Mic cut off.