Stone Cold Steve Austin a declarat in cadrul podcastului sau ca el este de parere ca CM Punk se va intoarce la Wrestlemania.

Va spun, eu raman la predictia mea ca CM Punk se intoarce la Wrestlemania 30 in New Orleans. Am facut aceasta predictie acum doua luni in acest show.

A trecut ceva vreme, cred ca s-a linistit, s-a odihnit, si cred ca e vremea sa se intoarca la munca. Nu il vad participand intr-un meci, dar ar fi grozav ca el sa faca un run-in pentru a-si stabili pozitia, sa se impuna imediat intr-un moment memorabil, atacand pe cine vrea sau impunandu-si prezenta dupa, oricare ar fi situatia. Dar eu il vad pe CM Punk intorcandu-se la WrestleMania 30. Cine stie daca se va intampla. 

I’m telling you, I’m going to stick to my prediction that CM Punk is going to make his return at WrestleMania 30 in New Orleans. I made this prediction two months ago here on the show.

It’s been a long time, I think he’s cooled his jets, he’s got some rest, and I think it’s time to get back to work. I don’t see him participating in a match but it would be great to see him in a run-in to establish himself, to entrench himself immediately in a memorable and just a great moment, and I would say plant himself firmly in the middle of an angle, because he would be the angle, by attacking whoever he sees fit to attack or asserting his presence rather, whatever the case may be. But I see CM Punk coming back at WrestleMania 30. Who knows if it will happen.

Considerand ca multa lume a numit ultimul run a lui Punk ca face destul de monoton, si cum Punk este cel mai acasa in rolul de heel, o interventie in main event suna ideal pentru omul din Chicago.