Dupa cum a promis intr-un post pe Twitter, Ryback a apucat sa adreseze comentariile lui CM Punk. The Big Guy a avut ocazia sa spuna ce are de spus in cadrul unei emisiuni radio. Iata ce a avut de spus Ryan Reeves a.k.a. Ryback:

“Un pic de drept la replica nu a ranit pe nimeni… nu vreau sa stagnez pe subiect, dar as vrea sa zic ca ce a spus despre mine nu este adevarat. Este chiar dezamagitor de auzit. Nu a fost niciodata asa fata in fata. Sa aud ce a spus, mai ales pe la spatele meu catre Vince, este foarte suparator pentru mine. Lucrurile nu au mers cum a trebuit pentru mine dupa perioada in care am luptat cu Punk, dar am ramas in companie, am venit la munca, mi-am facut treaba si lucrurile s-au schimbat” || “A little harmless fire back never hurts. … I don’t want to harp on this but I will say the comments he made were not accurate about me, definitely. It’s a little disappointing to hear that. He was never like that to my face. To hear the things that he said, especially behind my back to Vince (McMahon), it’s very disturbing to me. Things did not go ideal for me after that time period that we had wrestled and I stuck around, I hung out, I showed up day in and day out, I did my job, and turned things around.

Este de mentionat, Ryback ori greste ca a uitat, ori minte intentionat. Acesta a avut dupa programul cu Punk un feud cu Mark Henry si apoi un program cu John Cena. Caderea sa in roster a venit dupa programul cu Cena.

“A spus oficial ca i-am rupt coaste si ca asta si aia. Asta nu e adevarat. Si daca era, daca este asa cum a zis el, nu a facut nimic in legatura cu asta, daca tot  e el asa mare si tare. Dar nu s-a intamplat asa. Ai un vestiar plin in WWE care il cunosc pe adevaratul Ryback. Toata lumea stie adevarul si ceea ce a spus el nu este adevarul” ||“He goes on record saying I broke his ribs on purpose and this and that. That’s not true. And if it was, if he says that that happened, he never did anything about it, if he’s this big bad tough guy. But it never happened. You’ve got a roster full of WWE talent that knows the real Ryback. Everyone knows the truth and what he said is not the truth.”

Iar trebuie mentionat ca zvonuri despre faptul ca Ryback este foarte stiff au aparut cu mult inainte ca acesta sa ajunga in main event. Normal, zvonurile sunt zvonuri si nu trebuie crezute 100%, la fel cum nici CM Punk sau Ryback merita 100% incredere.

“Ii doresc numai binele si as vrea sa cred ca ar fi recunoscator pentru tot ce are in WWE. Eu am fost cel care, in lipsa unui termen mai bun, l-am pus over iar si iar. Apoi el a plecat. Era accidentat, si avea probleme. Nu cred ca nimeni o sa puna sub semnul intrebarii a alege sanatatea. Dar sincer cand oamenii intreaba “ce are de castigat cand spune ce spune?” raspunsul este ca isi cauta scuze si ca vrea ca oamenii sa aiba mila pentru el. A plecat si ar trebui sa fie barbat: avea nevoie de o pauza. Toti ne accidentam, toti venim accidentati. Eu am fost accidentat timp de 7 luni inainte sa am nevoie de operatie. Si zic ca la finalul zilei, sa multumim pentru tot ce avem din partea WWE-ului. Cu orice loc de munca exista lucruri bune si rele. Sa ne orientam catre lucrurile bune. Nu trebuie sa fim acri pentru ca nu stii ce se va intampla mai incolo.  “I wish him the best and I’d like to think he would be thankful for everything that he has in WWE. I was the one that, for lack of a better word, put him over time and time again. And then he walked out and left. He was beaten up, he had his issues. I don’t think anyone is going to question walking away beaten up. But I think people say ‘what does he have to lose by saying what he does?’ I think he’s making excuses and trying to… he wants people to feel sorry for him for leaving. He walked away and left and just man up, he needed time off. We all get beat up, we all work hurt. I was hurt for seven months before I needed to get surgery. And I say at the end of the day, be thankful for everything that you have from WWE. With any job there’s good and bad. Focus on the good. Don’t be bitter because who knows what’s going to happen down the line.


Dar ii doresc nu mai bine. Nu vreau sa intru intr-un razboi al cuvintelor, ca nu ar fi bine pentru nimeni. Speram sa il vedem odata cu trecerea timpului”|| “But I wish him the best. I don’t want to sit there and get into a war of words, it’s not going to do good for anybody. Hopefully we’ll see him down the line.

“Daca eram asa de periculos in ring pe cat zice, incat i-am luat 20 de ani din cariera, te-ai gandi ca WWE nu m-ar pune in ring cu John Cena sau Dolph ziggler sau alti oameni de top. Nu. Daca era asa, nu as fi aici. As fi dat afara. Avem un intreg vestiar de oameni care stiu adevarul. A spus omul ce a spus. Ii respect opinia de a spune ce vrea, dar nu este adevarat. Stiu ca unii o sa il creada, si altii nu. In cateva saptamani va fi irelevant si eu voi fi in WWE mergand mai departe” “If I was as big, bad, and rough for what he’s saying in the ring and I beat him up so badly that it took 20 years off his career do you think that WWE would have me in the ring with guys like John Cena and Dolph Ziggler and other top WWE talents? No. I wouldn’t be here. I would be gone. We have a roster full of guys that know the truth. He said what he said. I respect his opinion to say what he wants to say, but it’s not true. I know some people are going to believe him, some people aren’t. In a few weeks it’s going to be irrelevant and I’m going to be with the WWE moving forward.”

La fel ca intreg podcastul lui CM Punk sugeram cititorilor nostrii sa ia toate comentariile cu un strop de sare. Orice nu poate fi confirmat, nu trebuie crezut neaparat ca fiind un adevar.