În ultima ediţie a podcast-ului “The Ric Flair Show”, Ric Flair a comentat main event-ul de la RAW dintre Finn Balor şi Roman Reigns.

Flair este de părere că Roman Reigns ar fi trebui să câştige meciul şi astfel să fie în meciul pentru titlul WWE Universal la SummerSlam, declarându-se un mare fan al lui Reigns. Totodată, “The Nature Boy” a spus că nu crede că un cruiserweight, categoria în care l-a introdus pe Balor, nu va fi niciodată în main event la Wrestlemania.

Probabil că Ric Flair a uitat că Daniel Bryan, care cântăreşte mai puţin de 100 de kilograme, a câştigat titlul WWE World Heavyweight la Wrestlemania XXX.

“I thought Roman should have won. I’m a big fan of Roman Reigns. And I’ll be honest with you: Finn Bálor reminds me of ‘The Dynamite Kid’. Does that make sense? They’re very similar in appearance, same kind of work, and, I mean, he’s a great performer. God, I’m certainly not taking anything away from his performance or the match, but I’m a fan of Roman Reigns, so I’m saying something that I’m partial about. I think Roman, to me, has one of the greatest looks ever in the [professional wrestling] business. He’s as handsome as can be. He speaks well. He got his self-confidence back. He has been through some ups and downs, which we all go through in life, but, I mean, I’m just a big fan of his. That doesn’t take anything away from Finn Bálor and where I think where I see Dolph against [Dean Ambrose] as being huge at SummerSlam, I see that as being a bigger match than to see Finn Bálor versus Seth Rollins. I just think Seth [has] got too much experience. And like I said before about Randy, Seth Rollins is the second Randy Orton. He’s that good.”

“If I’m looking at what’s going to draw money, what I would pay to see, I would pay to see Dolph against Ambrose before I’d pay to see Finn Bálor against Seth Rollins, so I think it’s phenomenal. I think Finn Bálor is great too. I just think you’ve got a legitimate heavyweight in Seth Rollins, a legitimate heavyweight in Roman Reigns, and I don’t think we’ll ever see the day, and I could be totally wrong, that a cruiserweight will ever main event a WrestleMania. And that’s what you have to look at, I think, in the total picture of the [professional wrestling] business. He’s of that [cruiserweight] size. I mean, if you look at the two of them side by side, he [has] got a great physique, gosh, but he’s smaller. Yeah, I don’t think he weighs 200 pounds.”