Mick Foley nu o sa fie adaugat in acest an in WWE Hall Of Fame, acesta nu este prezent pe lista creata de Vince McMahon, insa acest lucru s-ar putea sa se schimbe, pentru ca inca nu s-a definitivat, cine o sa fie inclus sau nu in HOF.

O sursa din WWE a precizat:

The writers got to pitch their choices for the Hall of Fame, and Vince seems to have several people in mind already this year.Mick Foley is not high on Vince’s list for 2012.

Vince nu ii da o importanta prea mare lui Mick Foley, iar unul din motivele pentru care a fost adus in companie, este ca, Foley l-a impresiat cu munca depusa in scopuri caritabile. Chiar daca o sa fie adaugat in Hall Of Fame, Mick, nu o sa fie vedeta principala.

Motivul pentru care Vince McMahon i-a pus pe Foley si JR sa semneze un contract nou, este ca acestia sa nu plece in alta federatie de wrestling (TNA).

if some of Vince’s other ideas don’t pan out, Foley might be added on, but he won’t be the main attraction for the Hall of Fame this year no matter what. Vince brought Foley back into the company because he was impressed with Foley’s commitment to charity work, but as you’ve seen on TV, Vince has a lower opinion of Foley as every day goes by. It was the same when Vince made sure JR (Jim Ross) got re-hired. The moment JR signed the new contract, Vince regretted keeping him. It’s like Vince just wants to lock these guys up so they can’t play with others, and it’s always Vince who accuses other people of not playing well with others.