Intr-un interviu Kurt Angle a avut urmatoarele lucruri de spus despre retragerea sa:


Mai am doi ani  ramasi in Impact wrestling si apoi o sa am un an de retragere si cu asta basta. Cred ca atunci termin si odata ce ma retrag nu o sa revin, asta e sigur || “I’ve got two more years left at Impact Wrestling and then I’m going to have a retirement year and that’s going to be it. I think I’ll be done and once I retire, you’re not going to see me back in a ring again, that’s for sure”  

Angle a adugat:

Nu o sa fiu tipul care se retrage si tot revine. Cand plec, plec. La fel ca in luptele greco-romane, cand am castigat la Olimpiade, am pelcat si nu m-am intors. La fel o sa fie si in wrestlingul profesionist || “I’m not going to be a guy that retires and keeps coming back. When I’m gone, I’m gone. Same thing as amateur wrestling; when I won the world championships in Olympics, I left and I never went back. Same for pro.”

Trebuie totusi sa aducem aminte, ca recent, Kurt Angle spunea orcui il asculta, ca va participa la Olimpiada din 2012. Ramane de vazut daca Angle se va tine de cuvant sau nu.