In timpul pre-show-ului evenimentului special NXT: R-Evolution de ieri-seara, Corey Graves a anuntat ca nu va mai lupta in vreun ring de wrestling, incheiindu-si astfel cariera sa de wrestler. Motivul? Mai multe comotii pe care le-a suferit, care i-au pus in pericol viata, tocmai de aceea doctorii WWE-ului i-au spus ca ar fi bine sa nu mai continue sa lupte. De pe

Though he was not allowed to continue competing during WrestleMania weekend, Graves had every intention of getting back in the squared circle, working with WWE’s doctors and taking ImPACT and exertion tests to track his status. However, because of the frequency of Graves’ previous concussions, which built up over a decade on the independent circuit before coming to WWE, he was sent to see several specialists, who conferred with Dr. Joseph Maroon, WWE’s medical director. In Graves’ best interest, they recommended he step away from the ring.

Chiar daca este trist faptul ca Graves este fortat sa isi incheie cariera de wrestler, WWE-ul a facut o miscare buna atunci cand i-au oferit un loc la masa comentatorilor din NXT, Corey fiind un wrestler extrem de charismatic.