Chael Sonnen, luptator UFC si multiplu campion in lupte greco romane, cunoscut ca fiind unul dintre cei mai vocali luptatori, vorbeste despre decizia Comitetului Olimpic International de a scoate luptele greco romane (amateur wrestling) din lista de sporturi olimpice.!

Look, we have an idiocracy known as FILA that has ruined the sport. We have two knuckleheads that you couldn’t trust to run your local donut shop, regulating our sport of wrestling. At the same time, is this a surprise? …No, wrestling has cannabalized itself from 10 spots on the world and olympic team, to 9, to 8, to 7. Look guys, it’s basic science, the number 1 rule in Biology, you either evolve, or you become extinct.”

Uite, noi avem o idiocracie numita FILA ce a distrus sportul. Avem doi tembeli in care n-ai avea incredere sa iti patroneze o shaormarie, facand regulile in luptele greco-romane. Dar in acelasi timp, e asta o surpriza? … Nu, luptele greco romane s-au canibalizat singure de la 10 locuri in echipa olimpica la 9, 8, 7. Oameni buni, e stiinta de clasa intai, regula numarul 1 in biologie, fie evoluezi, fie dispari. 

“I am not the bearer of good news. I am not the one who is going to spark a fake light, spark a fake fire behind the perverbial back of this fight. It’s over guys. And it’s not over in 2020. It’s over in 2016.”Nu sunt aici sa dau vesti bune. Nu eu voi fi cel care va porni o lumina artificiala in spatele acestei lupte. S-a terminat. Si nu se termina in 2020. S-a terminat in 2016. 

“Here are the facts they are not telling you. Wrestling in this country is supported by the United States Olympic COmittee. That ATM is going to close the moment they roll out the mat in 2016. You’ve got 3 and a half years left. You’re going to count on a governing body that couldn’t gain up 1 spot, move us from 7 to 8, to save the whole sport? It’s over, prepare the eulogy.” Uite datele pe care nu vi le spune nimeni. Luptele greco romane in tara asta sunt sustinute de Comitetul Olimpic al Statelor Unite. Acea sursa de venit se va inchide de indata ce covorul se va intinde in 2016. Mai sunt 3 ani jumate. Te vei baza pe un corp de guvernare care nu a reusit sa ne obtina un loc in plus, sa ne ridice de pe 7 pe 8, sa salveze intreg sportul?! S-a terminat, pregatiti elogiul.