Actualul campion WWE, a vorbit cu agencia de presa Mexicana Notimex, in care a spus cateva lucruri interesante. Poate cel mai important aspect a fost legat de cariera sa in wrestling. Del Rio a zis ca in 5 ani vrea sa se retraga din Pro Wrestling.

Del Rio trage tare ca sa ajunga cel mai bun wrestler Mexican iar inainte de a se retrage o sa faca un turneu si o lupta finala in orasul sau natal San Luis Potosi.

I already decided. I want to retire in five years and will make a farewell tour but not as many who do 250 fights. Seek a dignified farewell to a fight in San Luis Potosi, my native land and in the Arena Mexico, my home.”

I decided to go full power and thus having managed to be the best Mexican fighter in this difficult race. I’m tired because it takes great dedication and sacrifice but also left me enormous satisfaction.”

To where I have arrived I have taken fully the name of my dynasty and know that my family is proud than I have done, so when the moment arrives for hanging the boots I will continue enjoying the place that I deserved myself.