Vince Russo – unul din cele mai controversate personaje din istoria wrestlingului – a decis sa comenteze in urma showului Monday Night Raw in forma unei scrisori deschise. Mesajul a fost publicat pe site-ul lui Russo. Mai jos il aveti tradus in integritate, cat si in forma initiala:
Draga Vince Stephanie si Hunter,
In primul rand vreau sa imi cer scuze pentru replicile mele de aseara din Russo on Raw. Sunt Italian, sunt emotiv, imi pare rau ca am asemenea reactii. De fapt, daca stau sa ma gandesc, probabil ati fost martori la asa ceva acum foarte multi ani. Adevarul este: urasc sa critic Raw-ul. Chiar urasc asta. Deoarece am fost acolo si am facut asta, stiu cat de greu este sa scrii doua ore interesante de TV in fiecare saptamana – nu mai zic de 3 ore. Meseria nu este una usoara, inteleg asta, si nimeni nu poate fi criticat ca INCEARCA si depun CEL MAI BUN EFORT – nimeni. Dar… intrebarea pe care trebuie sa o pun este: “Este ceea ce vedem in fiecare Luni seara cu adevarat cel mai bun efort al vostru?” Deoarece am lucrat cu toti 3 in trecut, nu cred ca nici unul din noi nu ar fi fost satisfacut de Raw-ul in forma sa finala – asta sa nu zic ca nu am fi PERMIS show-ul sa difuzeze asa. Chiar nu suntem mai buni de atat? Ce s-a intamplat cu ideea de baza din Attitude Era cand showul trebuia sa fie mai bun decat cel de saptamana trecuta? Iti aduci aminte de asta Vince?
Nu stiu cine e de vina. Nu stiu structura, deoarece nu sunt acolo, dar nimeni – NIMENI – nu poate sa imi zica ca daca nu ai putea oferi un show mai bun in fiecare luni cu un pic de efort. Uite – toti iubim wrestlingul, toti suntem MARI fani ai WWE-ului si sincer: VREM SA NE PLACA SHOWUL!. Dar voi faceti asta atat de dificil. A cere cuiva sa stea si sa se uite la 3 ore de ce oferiti nu numai ca e prea mult… dar nici nu e corect.
In momentul de fata, aveti un roster EXCELTENT, de la primul meci la ultimul, dar echipa creativa si de productie a showului nu lucreaza suficient de bine pentru acel roster. Trebuie sa stiti asta. Ce sa intamplat cu etica de munca si dedicarea pe care toti o imparteam in Attitude Era? Ce sa intamplat cu pasiunea, atunci cand ne lasam SANGE, LACRIMI si TRANSPIRATIE pe foaia de scenariu? Daca ceva nu ne depasea asteptarile pierdeam nopti de grija – eu asa eram.
Vince. Stephanie. Triple H. DA mereu o sa fiim aici. Va sustinem. Si sustinem WWE-ul. Dar adevarul este… meritam mai mult. Si in adancul vostru stiti asta.
Cu 1000% sinceritate,
Fostul vostru Scenarist Sef,
Vince Russo
Dear Vince, Stephanie and Hunter,
First let me apologize for my rant last night on Russo on Raw. I’m Italian, I’m emotional, I’m sorry I get that way sometimes. Come to think of it, you probably witnessed it first hand in a galaxy far, far away—many light years ago. The truth is—I hate to criticize RAW. I really do. Having been there and done that, I realize how difficult it is to come up with two hours of compelling content every week – let alone three. The job is not easy, I understand that, and nobody can be criticized for TRYING and giving their BEST EFFORT—nobody. But . . . the question I have to ask is: “Is what we see every Monday Night honestly and truly your best effort? I just know that having worked with all three of you in the past, I don’t think any of us would have been satisfied, or even ALLOWED last night’s show to air in its final form. Are we seriously not better than that? What happened to our mantra during the Attitude Era when this week’s show was going to be better than last weeks? Remember that, Vince?
I don’t know what it is. I don’t know the structure, because I am not there, but nobody—NOBODY—can tell me that with a bit more effort you couldn’t be doing better than what WE THE PEOPLE are being exposed to every Monday Night. Look—we all love wrestling, we are all HUGE fans of the WWE and in all truthfulness—WE WANT TO LIKE THE SHOW!!! But, you just make it so difficult. Asking anybody to sit through three hours of what you’re currently putting on the air is not only asking too much . . .but, it’s also unfair.
Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do, or how to do it, who am I? All I’m asking is that you all ask each other—is this the best that World Wrestling Entertainment has to offer its fans? If the answer is yes, that I guess I’ve just over-rated you, however, I think we all know that’s not the answer. I don’t think any of you can walk away from that building on Monday night honestly believing that you had just put your best foot forward. I don’t believe that for a second.
Right now, you have an UNBELIEVABLE talent roster, up and down from first match to main event, but the writing and producing of the show is just not serving them justice. You have to know that. What happened to the work ethic and the commitment that we all shared during the Attitude Era? What happened to that passion, when we literally used to leave our own BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS on the script that we wrote. If something didn’t exceed our expectations we were sick over it for days—I know I was.
Vince, Stephanie, Triple H, YES we will always be here no matter what. We support you, and we support the WWE, but the truth is . . . we deserve better. And, deep down inside I know that you know that.
With 1,000% sincerity.
Your Former Head Writer
Vince Russo