Ric Flair a suferit o operaţie la începutul săptămânii, iar iubita lui a vorbit despre starea de sănătate a lui “Nature Boy”.
Ea a notat că l-a dus pe Ric la spital după ce s-a plâns de o durere severă în zona abdomenului, iar de atunci s-au găsit probleme la mai multe organe. A negat că a fost o operaţie la colon şi a ţinut să menţioneze că starea fostului campion mondial încă este gravă.
Just want to give an update to my friends and Family as I have been unable to talk on the phone without crying and just feel shocked over events….I took Ric to the Hospital Friday night with Severe Abdominal pain. From that moment on it all seems like a nightmare…multiple Organ problems. Not to go into too many details I want everyone to know he still needs Prayers as he is still in Critical Condition. And No he did not have Colon Surgery….It was another Surgery! I don’t know how the Media comes up with their stories. I have been by his side since Friday and will continue to make sure he is getting the best care possible. Thanks for all of the support and Love