Daniel Bryan, probabil cel mai interesant superstar de urmarit din WWE, a avut ca unul din antrenorii sai pe Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels este considerat cel mai bun wrestler al tuturor timpurilor si asta se vede in Daniel Bryan. Dar, conform unei declaratii facute de Bryan, intreaga istorie a wrestlingului putea sa fie cu totul altfel.
[quote type=”large” align=”left”] “Intr-o seara era sa il omor pe Shawn Michaels. Asta a fost inainte de intoarcerea sa in ring dupa accidentarea la spate. Eu incercam sa fac o manevra unde saream de pe a doua coarda pe a 3-a, ma roteam in aer si intram intr-o hurricanrana. Trebuie tinut minte ca aveam in jur de 77 de kilograme, si asta e o greutate mare pentru a ateriza pe umerii cuiva. Incercam sa fac manevra pe Brian Kendrick, si nu ne iesea. Am crezut ca Brian era prea mic. Avea in jur de 68 de kilograme. Shawn ne-a vazut facand manevra de doua, trei ori si a intrant in ring dorind sa o faca el cu mine. Am ajuns la hurricanrana, am aterizant pe el si l-am aruncat fix in cap. Cu totii ne-am speriat. Aceea a fost seara in care era sa il omor pe Shawn Michaels”
“One night I nearly killed Shawn Michaels. This was before his return from his back injury. I was trying to do a thing where I’d spring off the second rope onto the top rope, spin and do a hurricanrana. Keep in mind, at the time I was 175 pounds, and that’s a lot of weight to land on somebody’s shoulders. I was trying to do it on Brian Kendrick, and it wasn’t working. We thought Brian was too small. He was probably 150 pounds at the time. Shawn watched us do it a couple of times, and he got in the ring and wanted to do it with me. I go to do the hurricanrana, land on him and he ends up landing right on his head and rolls right out of the ring. We all freaked out. That was the night I nearly killed Shawn Michaels.“ [/quote]