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Lasati-ma sa spun ca eu am vorbit cu starul FCW Dean Ambrose doar de 3 ori. Prima oara a fost dupa un meci de la un house show WWE, unde m-am dat peste cap sa ii spun ca mi-a placut meciul sau. Abilitatile si calitatile pe care le poseda il pot face o forta demna de mentionat pe viitor. Are si sustinatori in locuri sus puse care considera ca Dean este o valoare pentru WWE si ii va ajuta in viitor. De asemenea mi se spune ca interviurile sale (noi le zicem promo-uri) sunt interesante, inteligente si emotionale; la fel de bune ca celor din top-ul WWE-ului || “Let me state for the record that I have only spoken to FCW prospect Dean Ambrose on three different occasions. Following his match on a WWE house show on Long Island, I went out of my way to tell him I had enjoyed his match. The skills and unique qualities he posseses might very well make him a force to be reckoned with somewhere down the line. He has supporters in lofty places who feel he might be a huge asset to WWE for a decade or more in the future. I’m also told that his interviews ( “promos” as we call them) are compelling, intelligent and emotional; every bit as good as the top guys in WWE.
A doua mea conversatie cu Dl Ambrose a capatat ceva atentie. Stiu ca exista destula speculatie in jurul acesteia. Pentru mine este exact ce isi doreste lumea sa fie, un shoot, un work, ceva la mijloc – la fel cum majoritatea momentelor bune din sports entertainment sunt. || My second conversation with Mr Ambrose got quite a bit of attention. I know there has been alot of speculation as to the nature of this conversation. To me, it was whatever anyone wanted it to be; a shoot, a work, or somewhare in the middle – as almost all compelling pieces in sports-entertainment ultimately are.
Sunt mult mai concentrat pe ultima mea conversatie cu acest om. Eu din cand in cand sunt acuzat ca iau lucrurile din industrie mult prea serios. Poate ca asa e. Dar ca un marinar din vremuri apuse “Sunt ce sunt si asta e tot ce sunt”. Dupa atatia ani sunt anumite chestii care pur si simplu ma deranjeaza. Va aduceti aminte de promo-ul lui “Cane Dewey” din 1995 care inca este privit ca un moment bun? Este un moment care mie mi-a picat greu, mai ales cand sotia mea si-a exprimat parerea cat de bolnav e ca un fan sa faca o pancarta in care cerea (chiar si in gluma) abuzare copilului meu de 3 ani. ||I’m far more concerned with my third conversation with the guy. Look, Ive been accused from time to time of taking some things in the business a little too seriously. Maybe I do. But like that sailor-man of old, “I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.” After all these years, there are some things that just bother me. Remember that “Cane Dewey” promo from 1995 that so many are still fond of? It actually came from a very heavy place in my heart, when my wife impressed on me just how sick it was for any fan to be making a sign advocating the beating (even in jest) of my 3 year-old child.
Acesta este sentimentul care l-am avut imediat ce am citit un tweet a lui Dean Ambrose in care vorbea despre visul sau in care eu nu mai castigam nici un ban in industrie – mentionand foarte specific cum imi pierd casa si copiii mei mor de foame. Poate Cactus Jack din 1995 ar fi facut un promo. Mick Foley din 2012 pur si simplu se intreaba ce l-a facut sa spuna ceva atat de stupid, fara inima si ignorant. Am simtit ca Dean Ambrose a intrecut o linie ce nu trebuia trecuta, asa ca inainte de un Smackdown din Hampton, Virginia l-am rugat sa nu mai treaca aceasta linie care pe mine ma deranja. Ric Flair odata m-a rugat sa fac o chestie similara inainte de promo-ul din New Jersey in 2006. Normal, am respectat rugamintea lui. Industria noastra este una construita pe respect si incredere. Am crezut ca Dean Ambrose intelege asta. Dar la mai putin de o zi de la rugamintea mea, am vazut ca iar intr-un tweet copii mei erau subiect – spunea ceva de genu ca as avea alte sentimente daca copiii mei erau in scaune cu rotile.. Poate as fi facut un promo incredibil despre asta in 1996. 17 ani mai tarziu, doar doresc sa ma departez de acest scenariu cat mai repede. Nu e distractiv, nu e cutting edge. E doar nasol || That’s the immediate feeling I got when I actually read the Dean Ambrose tweet that mentioned his dream to seeing me no longer able to make a dime in the wrestling business – with a particularly nasty mention of how he wanted to see my home repossesed and my children starved. Maybe the 1995 Cactus Jack would have cut a promo on the guy. The 2102 Mick Foley just wonders what would make something say something so stupid, heartless and ignorant. I felt Dean Ambrose had crossed a line that shouldn’t be crossed, so took the opportunity before the Hampton, Virginia Smackdown to ask/tell him to please stop crossing a line that I wasn’t comfortable with. Ric Flair had once asked a similar consideration of me before a memorable promo we shared in New Jersey in 2006. Of course I honored his request. Ours is a business built on trust and respect. I thought Dean Ambrose understood this. But less than a day after making my request, I saw that my children were once again the subject of his tweets – a reference to how I might feel differently about something if my children were in wheel-chairs. Maybe I would have cut a heck of a promo about it in 1995. Seventeen years later, I just wanted to get the fuck away from the whole scenario. It’s not fun, it’s not cutting edge. It just sucks.
In Sports – Entertainment trebuie sa fie o anumita cantitate de respect si incredere. E destul de clar ca Dean Ambrose nu are respect pentru mine, rugamintile mele, sau ce am facut eu pentru industrie. Asa ca eu nu pot avea nici un gram de incredere in el. S-a intrebat cineva cum ma mai simt dupa acea comotie despre care am vorbit cand eram in TNA, in Decembrie 2010 intr-un promo cu Ric Flair? Nu ma simt mult mai bine. Am doua tipuri de zile cand vine vorba de starea pe care am descris-o in acel promo: rea si foarte rea. Nu mai sunt tipul care a primit 11 lovituri cu scaunul de la The Rock in 1999. Nu mai sunt acel tip de mult timp. Considerand istoria mea cu aceste comotii, ar trebui sa fiu un prost sa imi pun viitorul in mainile cuiva in care n-am incredere. Poate mai am un meci decent in mine. Daca mai am, o sa fie cu cineva ca Dolph Ziggler, care este probabil cel mai bun worker din industrie, si are nevoie de UN ceva sa vada universul WWE cat de talentat e. Sau cineva ca The Miz – unul din cei mai buni heeli din generatia sa. Poti sa zici ce vrei despre Miz, dar tipul e bun la ceea ce face. || Sports-entertainment has to involve a certain ammount of respect and trust. It’s pretty obvious Dean Ambrose doesn’t have any respect for me, my requests, or what I have done in the wrestling business. Therefore I can’t place the slightest ammount of trust in him. Has anyone wondered if I’m feeling better following the concussion I spoke of in that December 2010 TNA Impact promo with Flair? I’m not feeling too much better. I tend to have two types of days when it comes to that muted, under-water feeling I spoke of in that promo – bad and worse. I’m just not the same guy who took 11 chair shots from the Rock in 1999. I haven’t been that guy in a long time. Given my history of concussions, I would have to be a fool to place my future in the hands of someone I don’t trust. Perhaps I do have another decent match left in me. If so, it will be with a guy like Dolph Ziggler, who might well be the best worker in the business, and just needs that ONE little something to allow the WWE Universe to see how talented he really is. Or a guy like the Miz – one of the best heels of this generation. Say what you want to about Miz, but the guy is damn good at what he does.
Dar Dean Ambrose? Nu. Poate ca nu mai am greutatea care o aveam odata in industrie, dar inca am puterea sa zic nu la ce pur si simplu imi pica prost. Cum ar fi sa il pun pe Dean Ambrose pe harta WWE. Acum cateva saptamani, parea ceva interesant. Acum doar pare doar o insulta. Acum cateva saptamani, parea cutting edge. Acum pare un rahat. El este un talent bun. Are sustinatori sus pusi. Sa se lupte cu sustinatorii lui. Poate ei il pot pune pe harta WWE. Mult noroc ” || But Dean Ambrose? No. I may not have the power I once did in the business, but I still have the power to say no to things that just flat-out seem wrong. Like trying to put Dean Ambrose on the WWE map. A few weeks ago, it seemed like an interesting challenge. Now, it seems like an insult. A few weeks ago, it seemed like cutting-edge stuff. Now it just seems like bullshit. He is a very good talent. He has those supporters in high places. Let them wrestle him. Maybe they can put him on the WWE map. Good luck.”
Ce parere aveti despre acest post in blog-ul lui Foley? Chiar a renuntat sa lucreze cu Ambrose sau e facut sa starneasca si mai multa controversa?