CM Punk a devenit personaj negative la Raw 1000 si se pare ca lui ii convine la nebunie.. Intr-un interviu cu SunSport el a declarat alb pe negru “Nu am cum sa o spun altfe, imi place sa fiu baiatul rau”. Mai jos gasiti cele mai importante declaratii a lui Punk in interviul acordat.

“De fiecare data cand pot sa imi controlez creative personajul eu ma simt mai bine. Incepusem sa cred ca nu sunt la carma, creative vorbind, si doream asta. Pentru mine asta este jocul – trebuie sa evoluezi. Trebuie sa te schimbi constant. Cred ca cei mai buni wrestleri mereu au evoluat.”

“Anytime I get to do stuff hands-on I’m more into it. To me I started to feel like I wasn’t where I should be at that stage, creatively. And I wanted to get there.“To me it’s the name of the game – you have to evolve. You have to constantly change. I think the best wrestlers have always evolved.”

“ Vreau sa il dau pe Undertaker ca fiind unul din cele mai bune exemple. El niciodata nu a plictisit. Mereu si-a evoluat peronajul si as vrea sa il folosesc drept model. Jericho este un alt exemplu bun si cred ca oricine poate sa invete de la cei meintionati.

“I cite Undertaker as being the biggest example. He has never been stale. He’s always evolved his character and I use him as a blueprint. Jericho is another good example and I think everyone can learn from those guys.”

‘”Niciodata nu am ramas la fel pentru prea mult timp, dar schimbarile mele au fost extreme de logice. Nu m-am trezit intr-o zi drept alt personaj. Mereu am fost acelasi tip, doar ca am accentuat diverse elemente bazandu-ma pe circumsante. Este foarte important sa nu fi fals, sa nu treci de la o extrema la alta de la o zi la alta. Daca faci asta, lumea nu o sa te considere credibil”

 “I’ve never been the same for too long, but my changes have always been extremely logical. I don’t just wake up one day and I’m a different character. I’ve pretty much always been the same guy, I’ve just dialled things up or dialled things down certain things based on the circumstances. It’s important to not be a phoney, to not just one day say one thing and then the next day say another. Then people will never buy you’re whole stick if you are that wishy-washy.”

“ Despre momentul cu John Cena, Bret Hart si eu nu pot spune decat ca nu cred ca a putut merge mai bine. Toti eram la capacitate maxima. Am iesit in arena si am facut ce era de facut. A fost un moment al naibii de bun. Tensiunea era palpabila si se simtea in aer. Cred ca din momentul in care a fost anuntat numele lui Bret, multa lume a zis “CM Punk o sa zica ceva in legatura cu asta” si eram foarte entuziasmat sa ies si sa am aceasta experienta. Bret a dat un discurs din suflet, multumind fanilor din montreal, si apoi am iesit eu si mi-am facut treaba. A fost o onoare sa impart ringul cu Bret Hart”

“I don’t say this a lot about anything I do, but I don’t think that either segment with Bret Hart, myself and John Cena could have been any better. I think all three of us were firing on all cylinders. ‘We went out there and we did what we needed to do. I think it was a hell of a moment. There was tangible, palpable tension in the air about what was going to happen. I think once Bret was announced I think a lot people said ‘CM Punk’s going to have something to say about this’ and it was a thrill to be out there and experience that. It was a very heartfelt speech that Bret gave, thanking the Montreal fans, and then I came out there and did my thing. It was an honour to share a ring with Bret Hart.”

“Cred ca e grozav ca WWE si Jerry Lawler au asemenea fani incat oameni din intreaga lume i-au urat lucruri bune lui Lawler pe Twitter. Cativa oameni mi-au dat mie tweet-uri spunand ca sunt o persoana deplorabila ca nu am zis nimic despre Jerry. Omul a avut un atac de cord la televizor, Ii trimit mesaje pe telefon. Este o situatie serioasa si nu trebuie sa spun nimic public.”

 “I think it’s great that WWE and Jerry Lawler have such great fans that everybody was pulling for him around on the world on Twitter.A couple of people tweeted me to say that I’m a despicable person because I haven’t mentioned anything about Jerry.The man had a heart attack on live television. I’ve been texting with him. This is a serious situation and I don’t need to publically say anything.”

“Jerry, si nu pot sublinia asta indeajuns, este un luptator. Crede-ma, stiu. Am o dita-mai cicatricea in crestetul capului ce a avut noua capse. El deja a inceput drumul spre o refacere incredibila.”

“Jerry, I can’t stress enough, is a fighter. Trust me, I know. I have a huge scar on the top of my head with nine staples in it. He is already on his way to making an amazing recovery.”

“Vreau sa ma lupt cu toata lumea. Cred ca avem un intreg vestiar plini de oameni tineri care vor sa ajunga unde sunt eu, unde e John Cena. As putea da nume – multi din ei sunt in FCW. Sunt oameni precum Tyson Kidd, ce se afla pe rosterul mare. Cred ca el este nemaipomenit. S-ar putea sa auziti chestii de genul “E prea mic” sau alte tampenii ridicole. S-au spus acelasi lucruri despre mine. S-au spus aceleasi lucruri despre Shawn Michaels si Bret Hart. As vrea sa am meciuri cu oameni ca Tyson”

“I want to wrestle everybody. I think we’ve got a great crop of young talent that are itching to get to where I’m at, to where John Cena’s at. I could name names — a lot of them are in FCW. There are guys like Tyson Kidd, on the main roster. I think he’s fantastic. You hear things like ‘Oh, he’s too small’ and ridiculous stuff like that. They said the same stuff about me. It’s the same stuff they said about Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. I would like to wrestle a guy like Tyson.”

“Sunt foarte entuziasmat in legatura cu asta (In a lucra direct cu Paul Hayman). Nu am apucat sa lucram niciodata impreuna in fata camerelor. Am lucrat cu el mult in spatele lor, si cred ca multi oameni se vor bucura de ce vor vedea. Trebuie totusi sa subliniez ca Rick Rude nu avea nevoie de nimeni sa vorbeasca pentru el, si totusi Paul Hayman i-a fost manager. Bobby Heenan nu trebuia sa vorbeasca pentru Rick Flair, dar a facut-o. Acestea sunt doua exemple despre duo-uri foarte bune. Ramane de vazut ce o sa se intample”

 “I’m very excited about it. It’s pretty crazy to me. We’ve never gotten to work together in front of the camera. I have worked with him extensively behind the camera. I think a lot of people are in for a treat. Rick Rude didn’t need anyone to talk for him, and Paul Heyman was his manager. Bobby Heenan didn’t need to talk for Ric Flair. Those are two examples of great duos. You’ll just have to wait to see what happens.”