Triple H a luat parte la “Greg and the Morning Buzz”, o emisiune radio din New Hampshire. Mai jos gasiti principalele subiecte de discutie.

Despre purtarea unui costum in fiecare zi: “Da, tre te imbraci conform rolului asa ca sunt nevoit sa port costumul in fiecare zi. Chiar ziceam in timpul reclamelor ca am petrecut 41 de ani de viata incercand sa nu am o slujba si cumva m-am trezit cu una. Nici nu stiu cum s-a intamplat. Totdeauna am crezut ca dupa ce o sa am succes in wrestling pentru cativa ani o sa am destui bani incat sa nu fac nimic. Cumva am ajuns sa am o slujba cu program de 24/7, mai ocupat ca niciodata”

 “Yeah, you ‘vegot to dress for the role so I got to wear the monkey suit every day. I was just saying to you in the commercial break that I spent 41 years of my life trying to avoid having a job and somehow I ended up with one. I don’t know how that happened. I always envisioned my life as like once I made it wrestling for a bunch of years, having enough money and then doing nothing. Somehow, I ended up with a full-time job that’s like 24/7, busier than ever.”

Despre mediul corporatiei: “Cred ca oricand esti in intr-un mediu de birou cu mai marii executivi, dar se intampla sa ai 1 metru 95 si 113 kilograme – chiar daca ai costumul pe tine si te uiti peste masa la cineva. Daca pun un pic de bass in voce, intreaga camera se schimba. Va spun, o mica schimbare in ton poate shcimba totul. Vince face acelasi lucru, crede-ma”

 “I think anytime you’re in an office environment with corporate executives but you happen to be 6’4” and 250 pounds with a ponytail – even if you have a suit on and you’re looking across the table at somebody. If I put a little bass in my voice, the entire room changes… I’m telling you; just a little change in tune can change all of it. Vince does the same thing; trust me. 

“Sincer la fel ca Vince [McMahon], e acelasi lucru. Am invatat sa fac la fel. Tacerea e mult mai amenintatoare. Cand cineva face ceva ce nu iti place… E ca si cum vii dupa un meci si Vince tipa ca e rau, dar nu e atat de rau. Dar daca vii dupa meci si el nici macar nu se uita la tine si nu zice nimic dar iti dai seama ca e enervat, atunci e foarte rau pentru ca nu spune nimic”

“Honestly like with Vince [McMahon], it’s the same thing. I’ve kind of learned to employ this also. Silence is way more menacing. When somebody does something you don’t like… It’s like if you come up after a match and Vince is yelling it’s bad, but it’s not that bad. If you come up and he won’t look at you and he’s not saying a word but you can tell he’s mad, then it’s really bad because he’s not saying anything.”

Despre viitorul companiei:“As zice ca sunt chiar cativa oameni. Cand vezi lista oamenilor care lucreaza, oameni ca Shaemus, care cred ca au un viitor incredibil. Lumea uita ca acesti oameni sunt in WWE pentru o perioada destul de mica si nu au fost in alta parte inainte. Asa ca ii vedeti pe acestia pornind de la zero, de la cum incep sa invete sa fie staruri iar el [Shaemus] o sa fie un mare star in viitor. Wade Barret o sa fie un alt star mare, cred, in viitor. Sunt chiar cativa”

 “I’d say there are quite a few guys. When I look at the current roster of guys, there are guys like Sheamus, who I think has an unbelievable future. People forget how short a period of time guys have been in the WWE and they haven’t really been any place before that. So you’re seeing these guys almost from ground zero, from learning to becoming stars and he’s going to be a huge star in the future. Wade Barrett is going to be a huge star for us, I believe, in the future. There are quite a few guys. 

“De asemenea una din responsabilitatile mele este dezvoltarea talentului si sistemul nostru de dezvoltare, recrutare si antrenament. Avem cativa tipi in liga mica ce in urmatorul an cred…. Cateodata ma uit la industrie si in timp ce ea evolueaza si se schimba, si pierzi nume mari, e greu sa iti dai seama de unde o sa vina noul talent. Incem sa ma simt mai increzator in situatie deoarece vad tipi in dezvoltare despre care imi vine sa spun “Ok asta o sa fie cineva care va fi un star pentru noi in cativa ani”

“Also one of the things that I do here, that I’m in charge of is talent development and our developmental system and recruiting guys and training them. We have some guys down in developmental that over the next years that I think… Sometimes I look at the business and as things evolve and they change and you lose the big stars in the business, it’s hard to see where the new guys are going to come from. I’m starting to feel a little bit more confident about it because I’m seeing guys at that developmental level that I’m saying, ‘Okay, this is going to be a guy that’s going to be a big star in a few years.”

Despre noile staruri primind aprobarea sa:“Cred ca ajuta pentru ca… daca as lucra in ring regulat m-as uita la ei si as zice cu cine as vrea sa lucrez pentru ca am avea meciuri bune si main eventuri frumoase. Cred ca este un beneficiu sa ai pe cineva in acest rol”

 “I think it helps too because I look at it as, okay, like if I were still in the ring competing I’m just looking at which one of these guys I would want to work with because we can have great matches and main event stuff and promote big. I think that’s the benefit of having somebody in that role that’s been there.”

Despre WWE si initiativa lor in mass media sociala:“Vince a placut Twitterul odaca ce i s-a explicat ce e Twitter si asta a fost fix dupa ce mi s-a explicat mie. Ascuta, baza noastra de fani e alcatuita din toata lumea – de la batranele de 90 de ani la copii. Trebuie sa fii in pas cu tehnologia pentru ca tinerii nu se uita la televizor cum o faceau inainte. TV-ul este aproape un obiect de fundal. Se uita la telefon, pe laptop, pe iPad. Aceata media sociala devine importanta. Cred ca televizorul, intr-un anume fel, e depasit. Prin DVR si iPad-uri si restul, te uiti la emisiune cand vrei tu sa te uiti. Interactionezi cu oameni care se uita in acelasi timp cu tine. Twitter si facebook si YouTube  sunt pur si simplu modalitati de a pastra oamenii interesati in produsul tau”

“Vince was big on Twitter once we explained to him what Twitter was and that was right after they explained to me what Twitter was. Listen, our fan base is everybody – from 90 year old ladies to kids. You have to be at the cutting edge of that technology at all times because kids these days don’t watch TV the way they did before. The TV is almost a background device. They’re on their phone, they’re on their laptop, and they’re on their iPad. That social media stuff becomes so important. I think destination television, in some ways, is almost gone. With DVRs and iPads and everything else, you watch it when you want to watch it. You interact with other people watching it at the same exact time. Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and all those things are all just avenues to keep people involved in your product.

“Problema e – cred ca o vezi si in alte activitati – este controlarea acestei medii sociale.  E ca in NFL. Nu trece o saptamana fara ca cineva din NFL sa zica vreo tampenie. Avem sedinte cu talentul foarte des. Tocmai le-am zis alaltaieri, “Oameni buni nu e ca si cum ai trimite un SMS. Vorbesti cu lumea intreaga. Daca nu ai spune-o la TV, nu o spui pe Twitter”

“The catch 22 of it is – I think as you’re seeing with everything else – is controlling it a little bit. It’s like the NFL. Not a week goes by that you don’t see somebody in the NFL say something stupid. We have meetings with talent all the time. I just said this to guys the other day. I was like, ‘Guys, it’s not like you’re just texting somebody. You’re putting it out to the world. If you wouldn’t say it on TV, don’t say it on Twitter.'”

Despre relatia sa cu The Rock: “The Rock si cu mine avem o relatie unica. Este unica si pentru ceilalti din companie. El si cu mine am crescut in acelasi timp si mereu am fost cam ca ying si yang. El a fost face-ul a la carte cand eu eram baiatul rau. Apoi s-a schimbat. Eu eram in DX si el in Nation. El era baiatul rau si eu cel bun. Apoi ne-am luptat pentru titlul intercontinental si rolurile iar s-au inversat cand eu am devenit cel mai mare heel in industie si el cel mai mare face, apoi ne-am luptat pentru Titlul Mondial”

 “The Rock and I have a unique relationship. It’s unique to anybody else in the company. He and I were kind of like coming up at the same exact time and we were always the yin and yang to each other. They brought him in as the squeaky clean baby face and I was the bad guy. Then it switched. I was in DX and he was in the Nation. He was the bad guy and I was the good guy. Then we wrestled over the Intercontinental Title and then the roles reversed again and I became like the biggest heel in the business and he became the biggest baby face in the business, then we wrestled over the World Title. 

“La mine si la Rock a venit Vince si a zis ‘Hei, as vrea ca voi sa semnati cu William Morris si sa va ganditi la ideea de a merge si a face ceva filme in Hollywood’.  A vorbit cu noi in acelasi timp. A zis ‘Voi doi sunteti cei care puteti face asta. As vrea ca voi sa mergeti mai departe’. Rock a zis ‘Minunat’, iar eu am dat din cap ‘Nu mai vrei sa fac wrestling? Nu pricep’.

“It was Rock and I that Vince came to and said, ‘Hey look, I’d like you guys to sign with William Morris and think about going and making some movies in Hollywood.’ He brought us both in at the same time. He said, ‘You guys are two guys that can do it. I’d like you to move forward.’ Rock was like, ‘Awesome,’ and I shook my head and was like, ‘You don’t want me to wrestle anymore? I don’t get it.’ 

“Ne intelegem bine si suntem  prietenosi unul cu celalalt si chiar amici in sensul afaceristic. N-am iesit niciodata la o cina cu el. Nu am petrecut timp impreuna, dar mereu a fost profesionalismul. Mereu am avut o rivalitate profesionala dar am stiut ca suntem perfecti in ring unul cu celalalt asa ca a functionat. Dar totusi, indiferent de ce zicea el eu eram ‘La naiba cu el, eu o sa o fac mai bine’. Asta e cam singurul lucru care pot sa il zic. Nu am avut cuvinte rele unul fata de celalalt. Nu a existat tensiune de nici un fel intre mine si el. Dar nu am fost niciodata prieteni si mereu am fost sub umbra rivalitatii. Eu cred ca e un lucru bun. Chiar si acum, el revine si e un mare star al Hollywood-ului dar eu sunt un executiv in companie. E o stanjeneala acolo”

“We get along fine and we’re friendly with each other and we’re buds in that sense. I’ve never been out to dinner with him. We don’t hang out but there’s always been that professional… Like, we had such a professional rivalry with each other but we also knew in the ring we were magic with each other so it worked. Yet, there was always that – no matter what he did I was like, ‘Screw him. I’m going to do something better than that.’ That’s the one thing I can say. We’ve never had a cross word with each other. We’ve never had a strain in any relationship form with each other or anything like that. But we’re not best buds and there’s always that little bit of professional tension between us. I think it’s a good thing. Even now, he comes back now and he’s a big Hollywood star but I’m also an executive in the company. There’s still that little bit of a weirdness there.”

Despre fiicele sale si implicarea lor in Wrestling: “Da au fost la spectacole. Cum ajung in cladire ma roaga sa le duc in ring. Ne urcam in ring si le alerg un pic. Momentan ele doar inteleg asta ca alergat si rostogolit in ring, si le place asta. Una dintre cele mai frumoase chestii din viata mea este ca am avut parinti care atunci cand eu am zis ‘Vreaus a fiu un luptator de wrestling’ au zis ‘Bine. Incearca, dar sa ai un plan de rezerva’. M-au incurajat si sustinut.

 “Yeah, they’ve been to shows. As soon as they’re in the building all they do is ask me to take them to the ring. I get in the ring with them and then chase them around. They just know it as getting chased by daddy and rolling around in the ring, and they love it. One of the coolest things for me in my life is that I had parents that when I said, ‘Hey, I want to be a professional wrestler,’ they said, ‘Alright. Give it a shot but have a backup plan.’ They supported me and they encouraged that. 

“Mi-as incuraja copii – cat timp nu ar fi ceva daunator pentru ei sau ceva ilegal – i-as incuraja in orice ar dorii sa faca si cat timp ar fi ceva ce i-ar imbogatii si daca ar fi ceva ce i-ar da un sentiment de implinire. Eu am primit incurajare, si pentru mine acea incurajare inseamna totul. Nu m-as putea revansa fata de ai mei decat prin a face la fel pentru copii mei.”

“I would encourage my kids – as long as it wasn’t harmful to them or something that was illegal or whatever – I would encourage them in whatever it is they wanted to do whether that was a job that could make them rich or whether it was just something that they would find fulfilling. I had that support and for me, that support means everything in the world. I could never repay them for that other than to repay it to my kids.”

Despre aparitia sa in emisiunea lui Shawn Michaels:“Da, nu am vanat nimic in viata mea. Shawn s-a transformat din HBK in Ted Nugent. E in salbaticie cu arme de mare calibru impuscand orice misca si are blana. Shawn e un vanator responsabil. Nu vreau ca PETA sa se enerveze pe cineva din cauza mea. Mananca tot ce prinde si face totul ca la carte. Are emisiunea sa si ma roaga de multa freme sa emrg cu el la vanatoare. Nu am facut-o pentru ceva vreme si el stie ca nu ma fascineaza ideea. Pur si simplu nu inteleg placerea de a sta intr-un copac timp de 4 ore fara sa scoti un cuvant, asteptand o caprioara pentru care ai pus grau si marcand-o intre ochi”

 “Yeah, I never hunted anything in my life. Shawn has gone from being the heartbreak kid to like Ted Nugent. He’s out there with high-powered weapons shooting every kind of furry little thing that scatters. Shawn’s a very responsible hunter. I don’t want to get PETA mad at anybody. He eats it and does all the stuff right and whatever. He has this show and he’s been dying for me to go on there and hunt something with him. I’d been resistant to doing it and he knows I’m not into it. I just don’t understand the sitting in a tree for hours saying nothing, putting some grain on the ground and waiting for a deer to come by so I can tap it in the head.

“Asa ca ma suna intr-o zi si zice ‘Ce zici de un aligator?’ si mi-a suras ideea, fiind o provocare. In primul rand, trebuie sa ii iei prin surprindere intr-o barca, barca ne fiind stabila. Daca reusesti sa cazi din barca, o sa te manance. Ok, deci ei se pot razbuna pe tine. Asa ca am mers si a fost distractiv. Am folosit arbalete si eu am prins cel mai mare aligator al excursiei. Am prins unul mare si a fost o experienta minunata. Chiar m-am distrat”

So he called me one day and he said, ‘Hey, how about alligator?’ I was like alright, there’s a challenge to that. One, you got to sneak up on them in a boat, the boat is not stable. If you fall out of the boat they’re going to eat you. Okay, they can get back at you. So we went and, yeah, it was great. We used crossbows and I got the biggest alligator of the trip. I got a big, giant gator and it was an awesome experience. I had a lot of fun.”