Mai multi membri ai familiei Anoa’i au fost foarte nervosi cand au vazut cum s-a terminat main event-ul de la Wrestlemania 31 si pentru faptul ca Roman Reigns nu a castigat titlul WWE World Heavyweight, asa cum era planificat. Aparent, decizia de a castiga Rollins a fost luata dupa segmentul dintre The Rock, Ronda Rousey si The Authority, cand a avut loc o sedinta intre Rollins, Reigns, Lesnar, Paul Heyman si Michael Hayes.

Tatal lui Reigns, Sika, a fost foarte nervos cand a vazut ca planurile au fost schimbate, dupa cum o sursa WWE a relatat pentru Wrestling Newsletter Observer.

Sika forgot this business is not real life, and was legit pissed at the finish and looking to start a war. A lot of the younger (family members) were rallying around Sika, but the other 45 or 50 of them talked some reason.