In cea mai noua editie a revistei WWE, Dolph Ziggler a spus cateva cuvinte despre pozitia sa in companie.

Stiu ca multi nu vad situatia cum o vad eu, dar in capul meu, sunt un main eventer doar din cauza ca am facut o treaba excelenta reinventand titlul U.S., facand din el treapta ce era odata din un titlu tinut de oameni doar o vreme || “I know a lot of people don’t see it as I do, but in my head, I am a main eventer simply because of the fact that I did a helluva job reinventing the U.S. Championship from a title people held for a little while to becoming the stepping stone it once was.

Eu l-am facut prestigios iar. Am facut oamenii care ma placeau sau ma urau sa zica “Asta e urmatorul”. Acum e vremea sa imi arat valoarea iar. || I made it prestigious again. I made people who liked me or hated me think, “This is the next guy.” Now it’s time to prove myself yet again,” 

Deabia astept sa am mecuri cu oameni de calibrul lui CM Punk, al carui tricou spune ca este “Best in the world”. E greu sa imi arat valoarea ca main eventer, ca star, fara produse si tricouri, dar n-am probleme cu asta. E doar un obstacol care ma motiveaza si mai tare || “I cannot wait to go out there against the likes of CM Punk, whose T-shirt says he is the “Best in the World.” It’s hard to prove myself as a main eventer, as a star, without the merch and T-shirts, but I’m fine with that. It’s just another obstacle that pushes me to the top.”