Dolph Ziggler intr-un recent interviu, a aparat storyline-ul lui Triple H si a familiei McMahon:

“Sincer, daca nu ti se pare interesant ca fan, asta e problema ta. Multi dintre fanii hardcore au vrut ceva diferit, si acum avem aceasta pseudo-realitate. Sunt oare aceste scene reale sau fac parte din storyline? E mult mai distractiv. Pana la urma la asta se reduce tot: suspendarea necredintei. Noi va dam un film de 3 ore. Si de cand cu Internetul si fanii hardcore si oameni care citesc ce se intampla in culise, acum nu stii cand se opreste povestea si incepe realiteatea” || “Honestly, if you don’t find it interesting as a fan, then it’s on you. Some of us hardcore fans have wanted something different, and now you’re getting this blurred reality. Are these real behind-the-scenes things taking place or part of the story? And it makes it much more fun. That’s what it’s all about: suspending reality. We give you a three-hour movie. And with the Internet and people being hardcore fans and knowing what’s going on behind the scenes, you’re not sure where the story stops and real life begins.”